Chapter 102 Erosion Control requires a General NPDES Permit or an Individual NPDES Permit when a person proposes to disturb one or more acres during the duration of an earth disturbance activity. This includes earth disturbance on any portion, part or during any stage of the activity, or earth disturbance during any stage of a larger common plan or development or sale.
An Individual NPDES Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities is required for sites in special protection watersheds and sites that are unable to meet the nine eligibility requirements listed in the General PAG-02 permit. A PAG-01 General NPDES Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Small Construction Activities is applicable for sites disturbing under five acres and meeting all PAG-01 specifications.
In addition to the Review Fee, General NPDES (PAG-01 and PAG-02) permits require a $500 administrative filing fee. Individual NPDES permits require a $1,500 administrative filing fee. All Chapter 102 permits require a $100/disturbed acre fee, rounded to nearest whole acre.
Payments made online through MuniciPAY (a secure site for credit card or e-check transactions) are preferred. However a SINGLE paper check, payable to Allegheny County Conservation District, is an option. Please send a check via USPS regular mail and enclose a transmittal or note as to what project the check is for.
All fees are nonrefundable.
Use forms below to submit a General or Individual NPDES Programs.
Submit a General NPDES PermitGet help submitting, uploading and applying for Chapter 102 and Chapter 105 permits.