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Stormwater Ordinance Considerations in Allegheny County

Stormwater Ordinance Considerations in Allegheny County

Learn about stormwater ordinance considerations in Allegheny County, including riparian buffers, rainfall amounts, future maintenance and more.

A Guide to Completing Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory

A Guide to Completing Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory

Find steps for completing a PNDI environmental review and obtaining a receipt, which will outline conservation, avoidance measures, and potential impacts to protected species or sensitive resources in your project area.

Wildlife-Centric Stormwater Maintenance

Wildlife-Centric Stormwater Maintenance

Basins and ponds are not just facilities to filter, cool and control stormwater. They can also be valuable habitat for wildlife. Stormwater facility owners can ensure their basins protect young wildlife and manage stormwater runoff.

The Flow of Development in Allegheny County

The Flow of Development in Allegheny County

Allegheny County Conservation District has released comprehensive data on county development patterns, accompanied by mapped locations of existing stormwater infrastructure. Watch a recording of the live data release with industry partners and professionals.

A Conversation on Regulatory Programs | Inside Radio

A Conversation on Regulatory Programs | Inside Radio

ACCD talks with Inside Radio Program about the role of conservation districts in healthy land use practices, development trends and protecting natural resources.

Get Started With ACCD's Regulatory Programs

Get Started With ACCD's Regulatory Programs

Find out what to expect when interacting with ACCD's Chapter 102 and 105 Programs. Learn who to contact, where to find resources and how to navigate the online permit portal.

Managed Release Concept (MRC) Decision Matrix

Managed Release Concept (MRC) Decision Matrix

Determine if your project meets eligibility requirements to utilize Managed Release Concept (MRC) as a Post Construction Stormwater BMP for General NPDES permits.

Chapter 105: When Do You Need a Permit?

Chapter 105: When Do You Need a Permit?

The Chapter 105 Program exists to ensure waterways are protected. This includes protection of health, property, welfare and safety of people as well as maintaining Pennsylvania's natural resources. Find out when you need a permit.

Chapter 105 Permits and Limiting Conditions

Chapter 105 Permits and Limiting Conditions

What's regulated and why? Learn about Chapter 105 General Permits, what they are, basic components and how to submit.

Non-Point Source Pollution Prevention for Municipalities and Public Works

Non-Point Source Pollution Prevention for Municipalities and Public Works

Specialized curriculum for municipal officials and public works staff to ensure they know best practices to prevent non-point source pollution in streams and wetlands

Environmental Justice in Pennsylvania: What's New

Environmental Justice in Pennsylvania: What's New

After 18 years, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection is updating its Environmental Justice Policy. The current policy - the department's first ever - was adopted in 2004. Learn about how the revamp embeds environmental justice principles throughout the department.

Chapter 105 Common Deficiencies

Chapter 105 Common Deficiencies

Learn how to fill out a PAG-02 Notice of Intent per the NOI instructions. Topics also include eligibility criteria, the administrative process and application materials.

DEP Example Forms

DEP Example Forms

Learn how to complete DEP forms, including Co-Permittee Acknowledgement, Visual Site Inspection, Municipal Notification, Notice of Termination and Permit Transfer.

Infiltration Testing

Infiltration Testing

Recommendations on site evaluation and infiltration testing per the PA Stormwater Manual and MRC Guidance Document

Accepting Fill Dirt

Accepting Fill Dirt

What you need to know before accepting fill dirt and what can go wrong