Individual NPDES Program

Use the form below to submit an Individual NPDES Permit.

When project discharges to a high quality or exceptional value stream or PAG-02 eligibility requirements cannot be met, an Individual NPDES Permit is required.


IP Pilot Program

PADEP has created the Individual Construction Stormwater NPDES Permit (IP) pilot program to evaluate new procedures for improving the quality of applications received and accelerating the review of Chapter 102 Individual NPDES Permit applications in select counties. ACCD is participating in this program.

To qualify for submitting under this pilot program, two pre-application meetings must be held before submission. The first meeting will be an informal pre-application meeting with the CCD to discuss eligibility for the Pilot program and an overview of the project. The second meeting will be a formal pre-application meeting with the CCD and at least one DEP staff member. To schedule a pre-application meeting for an Individual NPDES permit, please use our website here.

If you are submitting an application as part of this pilot program, expedited fees are applicable. Once pilot program applications are received, there is a 7 business day acceptance period based on eligibility discussed at the pre-application meetings. The review period is 47 business days for E&S and PCSM completeness and technical review.

Submission Instructions: 

  • Compress permit documents before uploading.
  • Upload separate PDF files by document type. Pease do not upload a single long PDF document.
  • Incorrect fees may result in review delays. Contact Sara Bach with any questions about calculator variables at or 412-291-8021. 
  • ACCD strongly prefers payments made online.

    Checks can be mailed normal USPS once applicants have uploaded permit documents and received permit fees via online form. 

Click Here to Process Payment